
Fickle- A fairy board game featuring the art of Amy Brown

Created by BARD Games

Fickle is a quick, set collection game with unique scoring and press your luck mechanics, customizable game play and gorgeous art.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys due July 21. Playmat. Rules are Art
over 5 years ago – Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 06:58:17 PM

Surveys due July 21

73% of surveys have been completed, great participation everyone! If you haven't completed your BackerKit survey for Fickle, keep in mind the survey lock-down date is July 21. This is to ensure we can send final counts of add-ons items and stay on track for delivery. 


Speaking of final counts, here is a peek at the add-ons from the survey so far. This is in addition to all the games and stretch goals during the Kickstarter; 

Card sleeves and the Fairy Coin (2nd bar) are a big hit. I understand the Card Sleeve add-ons; 240 vanity sleeves for $20 is a steal. 

The one that surprised me is the play mats! I had guessed 50 units, and we are over 100 and counting! Guess I should have seen it coming, this medley of fairies will look awesome on the table;

If you missed an add-on, you can add it before the 7/21 deadline. 

Rules are Art

If you have not seen the rules yet, check it out on our website. 

We are so proud to have the talent of Matt and Stephanie beautifully celebrate the fairy art of Amy Brown.  If only there was an award for best board game rule book!

Made with Magic! Bedazzle your Table. Fairies at ComiCon
over 5 years ago – Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 01:52:46 AM

Made with Magic!

The fairies have beguiled the elves and gnomes to cobble each of your games... and soon their magic will be delivered to you!

I think that sounded better than updating you on file uploads, UPC codes, buyer samples... but that is happening too. 

Fickle production is underway. Play mats are looking great (stitched edge finish, updated art). Sleeve samples, 'white copies' and wooden tokens are gathering for sign off before the big product run... and we are on schedule!

Bedazzle your Table

We have lots of offerings on the BackerKit survey to make your Fickle table shine... but, I am really excited about the Court Crier Coin. This hand made epoxy 'gem' feels good in your hands and makes it clear who is the Court Crier in the current round. 

2 coins, showing each side.
2 coins, showing each side.

Each coin is made locally by a talented jewelry artist, so you probably wont see them after the Kickstarter is complete. The upgraded wooden Court Crier token is great, but if you really want to create some table envy, don't miss out!

Fairies at ComiCon

BARD Games is going to ComicCon! We have been invited to speak on a panel about Intellectual Property and Board Games. Brandon will represent the team and talk about our upcoming games featuring branded art or comics, including; 

  • Fickle (Amy Brown... of course!)
  • Sherlock Holmes - The Vanishing Man (a partnership with Dynamite Comics)
  • The Lost Worlds of Josh Kirby 
  • Battlefield Earth (launching with the graphic novel in 2020)

If you are headed to ComiCon, let me know you are coming! Here is a link to the scheduled event; 

If I won't see you in San Diego, you can always follow our upcoming games on our project page; 

Survey Update. Puzzles. Rules!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 09, 2019 at 09:51:15 PM

Survey Update.

Survey graphics are ready, weights and measures are complete, the BackerKit survey is almost ready! The survey was submitted today for BackerKit review, and I am headed to their offices today to get final approvals asap!

We took out time to triple check international shipping and tariff data. Reviewing our overseas options with the experts at Easyship, we are building the survey to collect international shipping fees, and leave tariffs to be charged on delivery. This achieves a few key advantages for our global friends; 

  • Passing through ports of entry will not be delayed by intermediaries awaiting tariffs, 
  • The amount charged will be accurate to your current requirements (avoiding delays for over/under payments), 
  • And (most important based on my research), some carriers may not charge you tariffs depending on your mailing address and other factors that we can't model in our survey. 

If you have questions or advise unique to your country of destination, please IM me! Once we get the review and release from BackerKit, the survey will be in your in box (ETA 7/11).


We have also been busy play testing new creations from our puzzle master, Mr. Velgus! They are getting harder, so don't brag too loudly when you solve the first few puzzles. The puzzles and coloring pages will add up to a 20 page "Fickle Fun Book"! 


We just received the updated rule book from Matt and Stephanie, and the new pages are gorgeous! With 22 Fairy Families now in the rules, the book grew... and so did the amount of Amy Brown art! The rule book is just amazing... some final tweaks and we the rules are complete. Watch for a link update on Kickstarter to share the latest version.

Expired! BackerKit Survey Next Week. Direction Coin Update
over 5 years ago – Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 06:16:00 PM


No, Eric and I are not so fatigued running the campaign that we expired.

I am just reminding you that Credit Cards do expire! As Kickstarter collects your pledge, we noticed a few incomplete transactions. Typically this is because your card on file expired or something similar.

This happened to me! I backed a Kickstarter I was really excited about, with my expired card. I ignored the polite warning email from Kickstarter. And when I missed the fulfillment survey, I was too late to complete my pledge. Oh the agony... the game that got away! 

If you received that polite email from Kickstarter, please update your transaction so we can send you the fulfillment survey. 

BackerKit Survey Next Week.

We have partnered with BackerKit to help us run the fulfillment survey for Fickle. BackerKit is one of the best partners out their for Kickstarter fulfillment, and we are blessed to have them as business partners and gaming friends! Here's me at BackerKit Game Night. 

This week Eric and I are building the BackerKit survey. The survey is how you will confirm what items you chose with your pledge. It is also how we collect your shipping address, your last chance to add anything at the Kickstarter pricing and more. 

We cant complete the survey without everyone. Please help us stay on schedule and complete yours when you get it next week.

Direction Coin Update

Local artist Toni has shared some photos and my first sample of the Direction Coin! These beautiful, epoxy turn indicators look and feel amazing. 

Ssshhhh... the Fairies are sleeping...
Ssshhhh... the Fairies are sleeping...
2 Coins - "Play to the Left" and "Play to the Right"
2 Coins - "Play to the Left" and "Play to the Right"
Close Up!
Close Up!

We did it! I Earned My Wings. Let's make some stuff...
over 5 years ago – Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 07:59:35 PM

We did it!

With the help of 1005 amazing backers, Fickle is headed you way! We are humbled and grateful for all your support. 

Just a few of the many friends who made Fickle happen!
Just a few of the many friends who made Fickle happen!

Thank you amazing backer community. Over the next week or two, Kickstarter will resolve all transactions while we get our fulfillment survey ready with the help of our friends at BackerKit. 

I Earned My Wings

To celebrate the final hours of this amazing community, we hosted a Facebook live streaming party. Special guests, gamer talk and I fulfilled my promise to Superbacker Eric S... I donned my wings and fairy wand when we reached 1000 backers. 

If you couldn't stay up late on a school night, we recorded it for you! Enjoy the many special guests, countdown shenanigans and last hurrah for this amazing campaign. 

Lets make some stuff...

We unlocked 22 stretch goals, added great bling to the game and now it is time to make it happen! 

Over the next few weeks, I will post updates on the stuff coming to you; Puzzles, Direction Coins, Playmats and more. Watch for an update on the fulfillment survey.  We want this game in your hands as soon as possible! 

But today, Eric and Brandon are going to take a breath... it was a wonderfully, exhausting month!